Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Knowing Not Ignoring: Thoughts

As we approach this season of life getting ready to open our home to children in foster care, I have to be honest.? The enemy of my soul has been really trying to discourage me.? It seems that every time I turn on the news or hear of people that deal with the system it is all negative press.? So I prayed.? I asked God to show the 'bright' side of foster care, if there was one.? INDEED there is.? Of course, there is loss involved.? Hurt involved and disappointment.? But with God there is healing involved, restoration involved and redemption. GLORY!? I am not so naive to think that every situation will turn out with a happy ending but many do.? I am pleased to learn that there many families reaching out to kids in the system.? Going the extra mile for kids 'stuck' in the system.? Many families doing the hard things for God.? Caring for these children IS God's heart.? It is Kingdom work.? Where there is Kingdom work there is always a battle.? But if you've read the bible you know who has the victory!

I had always heard that it is so difficult to adopt out of the system.? I had always heard that a lot of the children were born drug addicted and never recover.? I had always heard that it is too difficult to have foster kids in your home when you have children of "your own" already in the home.? I had always heard that the birth parents cause a lot of problems and show up at your home un-welcomed.? Now, I know these things are true.? I also know that these things can be restored.? God has a purpose and a plan for each one of us.? INCLUDING those 'lost' in the system.? I read this, this morning.? No soldiers of Christ are ever lost, missing, or left for dead on the battlefield.? Ladies (and possibly gentlemen) we must stand in the gap for the orphan and those in foster care, we simply must.? We need to pray, we need to adopt, we need to foster, we need to advocate, we need to DO for them.

I wanted to share a few blogs with you all that have encouraged me as of late.? These people are DOING something.? They have prayed, fostered, adopted, advocated and so much more!

Glory to God!?

There comes a time in life where we must decide that "If not us, then who?"? We cannot listen to the devil any longer(like I was starting to do).? He seems to making a whole lot of noise lately.? He seems to be very very loud, keeping us distracted.? Trying his best to keep us from moving on behalf of the orphan.? Lets not fool ourselves any longer.? Lets rise up and BE the CHURCH for these kids.? BE, JESUS with skin on.? BE the HANDS and FEET of CHRIST here on earth......A child's life depends on it!
?And the King will answer them, Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me-? Matthew 25:40

"For I know the plans I have for you,? declares the Lord, ?plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future- Jeremiah 29:11


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