Astrophile: The pride and fall of warrior comet Lovejoy
The famous comet of 2011 seemed hardier than any of its fellow sungrazers - but it emerges that even Lovejoy couldn't survive the fiery beast's heat for long
Wingardium leviosa! Wand used to make water levitate
These drops of liquid really are floating in mid-air. An acoustic levitator that NASA originally developed is holding them in place
Friday Illusion: How to shrink Berlusconi's head
Watch a new illusion exploit the way we perceive scale to bring a politician down to size
Sea cameras scan the waves for smugglers
Buoys fitted with cameras can spot passing boats, even in rough conditions - and give coastguards early warning
Death throes of internet meme puff up giant head
As we pursue online fame, what are the consequences? A meme's inflatable head and a tweet-off with Russell Grant shine a light on chasing friends by numbers
Police could create image of suspect's face from DNA
It may one day be possible to reconstruct the shape of someone's face thanks to identification of genes linked to face shape and features
Pictionary-playing computer deciphers your sketches
We're amazingly good at guessing what a sketch is of - however bad it is. Now a computer has learned how to decipher what a human is trying to draw
Feedback: Higgs boson delivered by truck
Higgs haulage, the variable likelihood of dying, all the fun of the apocalypse, and more
Wired is the new wireless: Spreading the web in China
Radio signals beamed down fibre-optic cables will enable cheap wireless internet to be spread far and wide
Subconscious cues might help you heal faster
We may be conditioned to respond in certain ways to apparently innocuous sights, smells and sounds, so managing these could be helpful in healthcare
How African herders rid the planet of a disease
Recruiting local African cattle herders was crucial to eradicating rinderpest, the first animal disease to be wiped out
Dead sons may explain killer whale menopause
Orca mums may have evolved a long menopause so they can ensure the survival of their sons
First images of chemical bond differences captured
Highly detailed images of molecular bonds shed new light on the physical differences between bond types - and could have applications in molecular electronics

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